Sunday, January 23, 2011

Terrace Cafes

Last two weeks had been totally awesome. The weather was nice and though it was sometime windy, the sun was out quite often. How I wished all the gloomy winter colors are gone by now. What I really want was to sit by the terrace in one cafes with my dearest friends and chat about a lot of things, guess I miss my best girls in Jakarta so much.

Last Sunday my brother visited me and we went for a walk. I saw one cafe that provide green stool on its terrace. I bet they served delicious food as it was crowded with people. We didn't have the time to stop by at that cafe , but I will visit it soon and report it to you all the details. Meanwhile across the city I passed by I saw several terrace cafes that are still providing their thick winter blanket for their customers. I can't help to stop in front of every cafes that catch my eyesight. Usually the one with so many vibrant colors or cozy sofas..

@ Passau

@ Frankfurt
What do you think about this Haagen-Dazs cafe in Frankfurt ? One scoop of caramel ice cream while sitting on that cozy couch ? Anyone who put those rattan couch there is a genius, I really want to sit there..

@ Berlin
@ Passau

@ Passau

I search for any terrace cafe in the google and it came out with one in Charlotte, NY, I agree with their ideas of creating a comfort environment for their customers :

"Obviously, the most artfully prepared food served in a less than comfortable environment is a recipe for failure. That's why we put so much time and energy into creating and furnishing our interior. We conjured up a space that manages to combine warmth with relaxation, openness with soft acoustics. From the classic breakfast counter, to the expanse of windows, to tiny touches like wavy glasses and note pads at each table, our goal was to set a perfect stage for the main event---our food"

@ Linz, Austria

@ Passau
Vincent Van Gogh once painted a terrace cafe and he wrote to his sister :
"In point of fact I was interrupted these days by my toiling on a new picture representing the outside of a night cafe. On the terrace there are tiny figures of people drinking. An enormous yellow lantern sheds its light on the terrace, the house and the sidewalk, and even causes a certain brightness on the pavement of the street, which takes a pinkish violet tone. The gable-topped fronts of the houses in a street stretching away under a blue sky spangled with stars are dark blue or violet and there is a green tree......."

@ Linz, Austria

@ Passau

I would give anything to sit on one terrace cafe with my girlfriends these days, watching people passing by, gossiping about lots of stuff and sharing our endless stories. However, as reality bites, I wrote this post while the snow is falling heavily outside my window. Slim chances to sit at a terrace cafe by minus 3 degree today. Regrets always comes too late, I should have try that green cafe with my brother last weekend, but time is not always been ours. Until then, I will wait again for one fine day to sit and enjoy sunny day in a terrace cafe.


Cynthia Villanueva said...

Aah, looking at your pictures make me miss Europe even more dear... :(
Really miss sitting on those comfy couch at H.D-Frankfurt w/ my besties. I know what you feel Fadhlan.. :)

Fadhlanti Sharief said...

iya ya...schade..I used to stand and stare in front of those cafes and wished my besties are there so we can sit, chat and enjoy the surrounding view..(coba lo masih disini ya ya...)


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